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Shellie Poulter

Doula and Educator
Modules Online Antenatal course - pdf downloads

Module 1 - Birth Preparation - Physical and Mental
Module 2 - Birth Physiology and Anatomy and the Path to Birth
Module 3 - Where to Give Birth and Why
Module 4 - Optimal Foetal Positioning
Module 5 - Your Amazing Journey Through Labour
Module 6 - Your First Days and Parents
Module 7 - The Fourth Trimester
Module 8 - What to Expect from Medical Staff
Module 9 - All About Induction
Module 10 - Pain Management
Module 11 - All About Assisted Birth and your Choices
Module 12 - Birth Companions - The Ins and Outs
Module 13 - Serenity Birthing - Coping strategies, Preparation for Labour, Hypnotherapy
Module 14 - The Wonderful Art of Feeding your Baby
Module 15 - Formula Feeding
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