Shellie Poulter

Doula and Educator
Useful Resources and information
Pregnancy Useful Links

Birth Useful Links
Physiological Birth (you tube video)
The pysiological reference - birth
New Scientist - for an easier birth, stop thinking about it
Birth International - pain in labour a feminist issue
Evidence based guidelines - Positions for labour and birth Royal College of Midwives
The physiology of labour (pdf)
Big Babies - More balanced information
The following videos contain graphic images of Caesarians:
Baby friendly caesarian birth (you tube video)
Caesarian and natural foetal ejection reflex (you tube video)

Pain Management Useful Links

3rd Stage of Labour Useful Links
Skin to skin - Nils Bergman (youtube)
The invisible universe of the human microbiome (youtube)
Ina May Gaskin's suggestions for seeing the funny side (youtube)
Evidence regarding the Vitamin K injection
Natural approach to the 3rd stage of labour
Penny Simkin on Delayed Cord Clamping (youtube)
Pitocin in the 3rd Stage/Managed 3rd Stage information

Breastfeeding Useful links
Breast Feeding information - Jack Newman
Breastfeeding videos - Jack Newman
Laid back breastfeeding (youtube)
5 Breastfeeding positions (youtube)
Milk making Super Power - Video ABM

Safe Infant Feeding Useful Links
Pain versus suffering - Penny Simkin (you tube)
Natural Pain Management Techniques Guide (pdf)
Eight reasons for unnecessary pain in labour (pdf)
Water birth - Everything you need to know
Meptid, dia-morphine and other medications WHO recommendations
Epidurals - risks and concerns for mother and baby
Evidence on Due dates and labour induction
Induction in normal pregnancies
Ageing of the placenta - evidence to the contrary
Induction of labour - balancing risks
Ten things everyone should know about induction
11 Natural ways to induce labour
Does Induction really reduce caesarean rate?
More evidence that induction leads to caesarean
Evidence that synthetic Oxytocin affects pelvic floor function

Other Resources

Doula Information

Safe Sleeping Useful links

Postnatal Help and Support
Association for post natal illness
MIND - Postnatal depression and perinatal mental health
Reflux in babies - 10 common questions and answers
7 Tips for coping with cluster feeding
Caring for you baby at night - unicef leaflet
Dummies, swaddling and baby sleeping bags safety (pdf)

Useful Studies
The Cochrane Library - The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
Oxytocin Research by Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg - Kerstin has done extensive research into the effects of Oxytocin
Evidence based birth - A source for evidence based birth information

PDF Handouts

Useful Induction Related Links