Shellie Poulter

Doula and Educator
Flying Cow Girl

Flying Cow Girl is an adaptation of the Walchers position which is used to help increase the front to back (AP or Anterior-Posterior) space of the pelvic brim. It is useful to use when the baby has not engaged in the pelvis. The birthing person is able to lie down, so it can be used with an epidural in place. You can stay on one side for three to six contractions and then move to the other side. This can be repeated until the baby can find space to turn and enter the brim.
If the birthing person is able to be upright, an abdominal lift and posterior pelvic tilt is likely to be more effective and comfortable. Flying cow girl puts a significant arch in the back and can cause a pinching sensation in the spinal joints. If a lift and tilt is not possible, the birthing person could try Froggie Walcher's, Walcher's or Reverse/Water Walcher's. Arching over a birthing ball with support as shown is also a possible alternative, though quite an athletic option which can be adapted to an easier version with rolled up blankets or a wedge to lean back over.

The Knees are taken back as far as possible to open the front to back diameter of the pelvis. The Knees are open and feet coming together to help open the brim of the pelvis further. Attempt to hold the position for 3 surges.

If the baby is below the brim of the pelvis, this technique will not be helpful as it is for opening the brim
If it feels too uncomfortable for the birthing person or they have a history of sciatica this technique may not be appropriate as the extension of the spine can be very uncomfortable
Be careful not to cause cramp when getting into this position as it is tough on the hamstrings. It is best if someone helps to move the birthing person into position and they are passive rather than them actively moving.